湧き上がる謎・黒鷲の学級 Another Mystery (Black Eagles)
(食堂 昼)
Dining Hall | Daytime
ヒューベルト: ご機嫌がよろしくないようで……。やはり例の件ですかな?
Hubert: You look unwell. It's because of what happened, isn't it?
エーデルガルト: わかっているなら口にしないことね。
Edelgard: Don't speak of it aloud.
ヒューベルト: ですが、過ぎたことはやり直せません。今はせめてそれを活用すべきかと……。
Hubert: You can't change the past. For now, all we can do is use it to our advantage.
エーデルガルト: わかっているわ。それに……皇位継承の準備も進めなければ……。
Edelgard: I know that. I also know that I must steel myself to ascend the Imperial throne.
ヒューベルト: そちらについては障害なく進んでおりますよ……と、誰か来たようですな。
Hubert: Those preparations are going well. We... Someone is coming.
エーデルガルト: 師、今節の課題について聞いたわ。ルミール村で何かが起こっているとか。
Edelgard: Professor, I heard about our mission for this month.
Something terrible is happening in Remire Village. That's where you were when fate sent you our way. this feels...preordained.
ヒューベルト: 騎士団の調査は進んでいるので?
Hubert: Are the knights making progress with their investigation?
Choice 1: わからない I don't know.
Choice 2: 進んでいる They are. (Hubert ⤴)
ヒューベルト: もし村の異変が人為的に引き起こされたものだとすれば、黒幕がいるのでしょう。
Hubert: If what is happening there is by design, there must be someone pulling the strings.
There is the Death Knight, of course. And the mysterious mages who were implicated with the Western Church.
They showed up when Flayn was kidnapped as well. And now there is another strange occurrence near the monastery...
It seems an unknown organization hopes to make the monastery its stage for something.
エーデルガルト: 師はこれまでの事件が、一連のものだとは思わない?
Edelgard: Do you believe that all of these incidents are connected, Professor?
Choice 1: 思う I do. (Edelgard ⤵)
エーデルガルト: ええ、普通はそう思うわよね。でも私は、こうも考えている。
Edelgard: That is the logical conclusion, but I'm not so sure.
Choice 2: 思わない I do not. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: そうなの? 意外ね。でも実は、私も同じように考えている。
Edelgard: Oh? I'm surprised to hear you say that, but actually, I agree.
エーデルガルト: 大修道院を取り巻く事件は、1本の線で繋がって見えるけれど……
Edelgard: It certainly appears that all of the events surrounding the monastery are connected by a single thread. However...
I think it's possible that it may just be a result of different motives overlapping.
Remember, Professor...
If you think of people as simply enemies or allies, it may be impossible to grasp the truth.